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Media Update Short-Term Let Regulations and Tourism September 2023

Important Media Update: Short-Term Let Regulations & Tourism News – September 2023

As the final deadline for STL legislation approaches, Scotland’s Short-Term Let community remains in the spotlight, with extensive coverage across notable media outlets including BBC Radio and TV. 

The ASSC stands unquestionably for regulation, but not at the cost of fairness and reason. We’ve championed proportional and well-justified regulation since 2016. Sadly, the current framework falls short, with policies across Scotland now deemed unlawful. Our fight for better continues. 

In our unwavering commitment to adapt to the changing landscape, we recognise the importance of shedding light on the diverse perspectives and challenges faced by short-term let businesses and operators. 

We have prepared a list of the most recent coverage below. 

Stay up-to-date on the latest developments by engaging with us on our dynamic social media platforms: TwitterLinkedIn, and Facebook. Join the conversation today. 


5th September 2023

“The first minister vowed that his government “will continue to support Scotland’s thriving tourism sector”, not least by drastically reducing the supply and availability of short-term letting accommodation.”

Likewise, the Spectator’s Lucy Dunn opined“Those who own holiday homes will be less excited to hear the government will allow councils to apply a premium on council tax rates for second houses. And those in the business of renting these out throughout the year may become positively enraged where Yousaf has pledged to ‘support Scotland’s thriving tourism sector’ while refusing to back down on short-term let licences.”

Visitor Levy


3rd September 2023

2nd September 2023

1st September 2023

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