PPL PRS choose not to charge a royalty for the use of music (including TV and radio) in self-catering apartment(s) or holiday cottage(s) etc where all of the following criteria is met:
If your client base includes businesses as opposed to families and friends booking.
If these are on your website, then it is entirely possible, that even if your business falls under the exemptions below in the major update, that you will have to pay a licence.
The fee structure is based upon the Small Residential Hotels and Guest House Tariff. We did not manage to get a dedicated Self-Catering Tariff, although we are still working on this.
We have example case studies of what charges might look like for larger business, which are considerably less than some of the charges previously levied. For example, an operator with 4 properties in a single site would be paying £61.77.
PRS Higher Rate Royalty:
If an operator has not applied for and obtained PRS for Music’s licence before musical performances commence, a higher (standard rate plus 50%) royalty rate will be charged and payable for the first year of the licence. After the first year of the licence, the standard royalty rate will be charged and payable.
PRS PPL can be contacted, and licences applied for via their website https://pplprs.co.uk or by phone on 08000 720 808.
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