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How to make your photos stand out on EmbraceScotland

The EmbraceScotland website allows people to take in your property on a full screen, so please take time to log-in to your profile and take a look at the images you’re currently using.

Here are a few things to consider:

  • The ‘hero’ image is the first image people see when viewing your property. It’s meant to catch people’s attention, so be sure to choose the image that best represents your property.
  • It’s easy to reorder images to make your selection more attractive – simply head to the ‘media’ section of your profile and drag your favourite, most high-quality image to the front of the set.
  • Photos with better resolution, typically sized at 1024 pixels by 768 pixels or larger, look better. You might need to resize yours to make them clearer, which you can do below.
  • Replace older photos with clearer, more recent photos.
  • Ensure your images are high quality, ideally 1024 pixels by 768 pixels or larger.
  • Order your selection of photos thoughtfully, so the outside of your holiday cottage is displayed first.
  • Remember to complete the Alt text for each image. See here for why this is important and how to write a good Alt tag.

The photos on your property page are often the difference between a booking and a click away from your holiday cottage.


How to make your images the right size – use this tool:https://www.resizepixel.com/

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