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Furnished Holiday Let Tax Regime – Abolition: iParl Petition: Your Voice Matters

When the previous UK Government announced plans to abolish Furnished Holiday Let (FHL) Tax Allowances, the ASSC joined forces with PASC UK to launch an iParl petition, urging members to write to their MPs. Your efforts were crucial in securing key meetings with the Treasury Minister and the Chancellor, resulting in some important concessions.

But we need more. The fight isn’t over.

We’re launching the petition again, focusing on Westminster MPs, as this is UK-wide legislation. However, please also share it with your local MSPs.

Earlier this year, 15,000 letters were sent to MPs through iParl, making a significant impact. Now, we need to rally together once more. By pressuring MPs, we can push HM Treasury to take further action.

How You Can Help:

Click the link:

  • Enter your postcode, name, and address.
  • Hit send, and your message will reach your MP’s inbox.
  • You can also customise the letter if you wish. It’s simple but powerful.

The petition is live now, and signatures are already coming in. Let’s make every voice count. Remember, iParl generates a ‘Heat Map’ showing which MPs receive the most petitions. We use this data to target key MPs and request meetings to explain the impact.

Your participation is vital, and iParl does not collect your personal details. Please take a moment to click the link and make a difference.

Click here to sign the petition: https://pascuk.eaction.online/FHLAug24

Please share this link widely on social media in groups that you belong to as many of them have substantial numbers of Members.

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