Notwithstanding the traditionally busy summer season for small tourism accommodation providers, with businesses operating in a time sensitive environment, we do not believe the Council has provided a reliable and robust evidence base to proceed with taking forward their plans for a Control Area.
For instance:
The requirement to put in place a well-designed and evidence-based scheme is further underlined by developments in other local authorities. City of Edinburgh Council is now subject to a second Judicial Review proceeding, this time on their planning policy, specifically relating to their PCA. Meanwhile, the Highland Council have had to delay and take legal advice in respect of their proposed PCA for Badenoch & Strathspey.
As drafted, the data and evidence-base presented by Perth and Kinross Council is not fit for purpose. This should be revised as a matter of urgency, with the consultation delayed to enable this to occur. Any decisions taken by the Council must rely on accurate and reliable information which at the present time is sadly lacking.
The ASSC therefore recommends that in order to facilitate a fair and well-informed consultation, it is imperative that Perth and Kinross Council undertake a comprehensive exercise in gathering precise and verifiable data, providing stakeholders with the necessary evidence to take forward this consultation.