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Scottish Government’s Task Force

“The publication of the Scottish Government’s Task Force document shows that planning is already underway to develop and fund a future for the industry. Sitting alongside the tourism strategy Scotland Outlook 2030, we’re starting to see building blocks emerging to recover the industry.

“Funding for this plan is crucial and we will need to ensure that tourism and hospitality is at the front of the queue when it comes to kick-starting the economy.

“That funding will need to come in the shape of support from the UK Government through a focus on the lowering of the tax burden for businesses – with reductions in VAT, Air Passenger Duty and continued support through loans, grants and furlough-type schemes all essential. Funding for marketing and resetting tourism in a responsible way will come from the Scottish Government and the signs are that they see that focus.

“Other elements around visitor management and a focus on ensuring people show respect for Scotland’s natural assets are being worked on whilst the digital capability of the industry needs strong investment so that we are easy to find and book.

“The Task Force plan is a truly collaborative effort with representatives from the tourism industry and key economic agencies feeding in their priorities. Tourism is being hit hard now and I feel for those trying to keep afloat and the inevitable redundancies we are hearing about every day. But, a future tourism model must help to rebuild those businesses, create jobs and support the well-being of our communities.”

Malcolm Roughead, Chief Executive, VisitScotland

Read the Task Force document.

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