In self-catered or other unregulated (unstaffed) accommodation, in-house socialising rules apply. In Level 2, a maximum of 6 people from up to 3 households can socialise in a private dwelling. Children under the age of 12 from these households do not count towards the total number of people permitted to meet.
Q Can households share a room in a hotel / other tourist accommodation?
A. Given the transmission risks associated with different households sleeping in the same room, Bedrooms should only be occupied by one household or extended household. This is the position in levels 0-3 (closed in 4). However, we will keep all restrictions under review and will not keep these in place for longer than necessary.
In self-catered or other unregulated (unstaffed) accommodation, in-house socialising rules apply.
In public spaces within regulated (staffed) tourist accommodation, the rules about socialising in an indoors public place apply.
See indoor socialising rules for public/private places.
Tourism and hospitality guidance should be followed with any easings to mitigate risk.
Operators are advised to ensure there is sufficient capacity within their accommodation to safely accommodate the numbers of people and households permitted in the levels framework, allowing for required physical distancing between household groups. The number of people and households permitted will depend on the capacity of the accommodation, and the stage we are at in the coronavirus timetable for easing restrictions.
When sharing self-catered tourist accommodation it is advisable for separate households to have their own bedrooms and that shared bathrooms and kitchens are kept clean and materials and instructions for these are provided.
Visitors should, where practicable, use shared rooms one at a time with cleaning and ventilation in between (e.g. preparing and eating a meal). Where communal toilets are being used providers should implement measures to decrease the risk of contamination, including enhanced cleaning, and consider reducing access to a one in, one out basis. Cleaning materials should be provided for users to ‘clean as they go’.
The approach to reducing household restrictions will be gradual as we move through the levels to ensure continued suppression of the virus. The Scottish Government will keep the guidance around restrictions under review to ensure safety but will not keep them in place longer than is necessary.
Within regulated (staffed) tourist accommodation which indoor socialising rules apply to shared and / or public areas?
In public spaces within regulated (staffed) accommodation, the rules with regard to socialising in an indoors public place will apply, subject to relevant appropriate mitigation measures.
In private/self-catering environments which are unstaffed (which would include hostels entertaining as an exclusive use booking and with no staff on hand), then the in-house socialising rules will apply.
The protection levels have now been fully updated to reflect this:
Coronavirus (COVID-19) protection levels: what you can do – (